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Negative Visualisation: A more rational way of thinking


You might think I am going to tell you to be pessimistic. It's rather infamous to visualize the extent to which things could go wrong. Think Positive all the damn time, even when you are completely screwed up! Unnecessarily thinking positively about the future outcome could be very illogical and senseless. Not practicing enough for the speech which you had to prepare for your upcoming business meeting and expecting everything to go alright is not the way we should create our expectations. Sometimes we are tempted to make unreal hopes for ourselves because we believe in so-called "positive thinking" it's like you have captivated yourself in a bubble of fake expectations. 


 It often functions as an escape mechanism that stimulates good vibes in our brain resulting in an escape from our obligations exacerbated by the wiping of the logic and reasons sneakingly, which could potentially be harmful. 

Negative visualization is a more practical way to create expectations as it visibly sets out the obstacles which we could face on our way, we could plan out our strategies beforehand to overcome those obstacles in a much more confident manner. 

Since the dawn of this modern age, human beings have surged in their greediness which often contributes to the expectations we create as we want more, so we tend to go farther in our expectations leading it to go unreal and deeply fantasized. 

Uncertain external events 

Dichotomy of Control Archives - The Modern Times Stoic

In a philosophical sense, this world is evil ever since the beginning. Most of the times evil prevail over good. We can't have control over what comes from outside. Every individual has a limited domain that is in control, rest of the things are either be indirectly controlled or almost have no control. let's say you are a student preparing for your examination and on the scheduled day your examination gets canceled this could be the worst-case scenario for someone who studied hard. Well, let's look out for some other instances, let's say somebody wants to start a business. There could be two possibilities one is that it could be massively successful or it could suffer a huge loss. The question worth asking here is which one of these is more likely to happen? Of course the latter one it's glaringly clear because we know it's risky and no one can perfectly perform in the initial phase for the first time. 

How does it help in your practical life?

  1. You become more realistic while making a decision: Negative visualization is not a state of mind it's like a tool that helps you to create a strategy to aim your target more accurately. You start to consider all the factors which could affect you during the process.
  2. You increase your chances to achieve your goal: Since you are considering all the bad stuff which could affect you and make a plan to overcome it. In this way, you do things right and increase your chances of winning.
  3. You introspect your behavior: While handling all of these things you become self-able to take over any kind of failure you may face in your life. It gives a chance to observe yourself when put into a challenging situation and you are also able to figure out your strengths and weaknesses.
  4.  You become able defy your impulses to be a perfectionist: Negative visualization shows the ground reality and you become much more realistic while forming your expectations.

“When you are going to perform an act, remind yourself what kind of things the act may involve. When going to the swimming pool, reflect on what may happen at the pool: some will splash the water, some will push against one another, others will abuse one another, and others will steal. Thusly you have mentally prepared yourself to undertake the act, and you can say to yourself: I now intend to bathe, and am prepared to maintain my will in a virtuous manner, having warned myself of what may occur.” – Epictetus
